How to prepare to fit out your van with an Exokit furniture kit
You have finally found your van, the basis of your dream van. In order to make your conversion as easy as possible, please take 5 minutes to read these few lines so that you don’t waste hours or days during your conversion.
A/ Check the compatibility of your van with our available catalogue
Go to the vehicles page to confirm if your van is listed. Please note that the majority of our kits are made for commercial vehicles (sheet metal interior), but some elements may be compatible with versions with more interior space (especially with those with rear seats). Please check that the furniture you have chosen corresponds to the version of your vehicle.

B/ The interior trim
You have confirmed that your van is in our list, and you are about to prepare the interior to receive the kit. Please note that our kits are designed in 3D to fit the interior curvature of your vehicle. They are therefore designed to fit the shape of the original veneers (when available) or 5mm plywood such as those used for our upholstery.
Avoid insulation and upholstery based on battens and panelling, which may look great, but will take up a lot of space inside the van. You will easily lose around 4cm on each side. That’s as much space lost in the width of a bed…
Prefer thin insulation (sprayed cork, armaflex…) in order to be as close as possible to the body of the vehicle.
B/ Mount the furniture on the outside of the van
Mark out a space for your furniture kit and mount it outside your vehicle. You will be much more comfortable working outside the vehicle than inside (height, steps to get in and out…). Take the opportunity to pre-wire your furniture with your electrical and plumbing equipment, etc.
If possible, carry the furniture with two people, emptying it as much as possible when installing it in the van.
D/ Tools
To assemble your Exokit furniture, you will need :
– a crosshead screwdriver and a bit holder or a screwdriver with PZ2 bit.
– a set of Allen keys (at least 4 and 8mm)
– 10mm drill bit
– Keyed rivet pliers, to set threaded rivets if you want to be able to remove and install your fittings regularly.
Caution: Limit the torque if you assemble the furniture with a screwdriver. It is not advisable to tighten the Exofix too much. As the screw penetrates the wood, it creates its own thread, and overtightening may simply remove it. We advise you to tighten them by hand.